World Dog Show Amsterdam 2002 /2.
Chinese Crested dog - Dogs 2. (open and champion class)

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Vítejte u přehlídky psů ze světové výstavy v Amsterdamu. Kompletní výsledky z výstavy, článek a další obrázky JSOU ZDE,  Fotogalerie 1 - 5 najdete v levém sloupečku.
Excellent - open class Excellent 1,  res. CACIB - open class left Blandora Bound for Glory - excellent 1, right Hibacka´s King Arthur - excellent 2 Excellent 2 - open class Excellent 4 - open class
Hvězda z Podmok
Bound for Glory
Ex1 and Ex2
 dog - open class
King Arthur
Hold Your Horses
Excellent 4 - open class Excellent 3 - open class Very good - open class Excellent - open class Excellent - open class
Hold Your Horses
Lohamras Dukat Nabab Germanika Crestars
Zed Pour Top Model
Goldenberry Orca
Excellent 4 - champion class Excellent - champion class Excellent - champion class Excellent 1 - champion class Excellent - champion class
Undercover Agent
 v. Shinbashi
Bayshore Fernando Flying Fuchur
Fantasy Island
Cenn Modrý květ Razzmatazz
Reckless Abandon
Excellent - champion class Excellent - champion class Excellent 2 - champion class Excellent - open class Excellent - champion class
Bayshore Fernando Blandora
the Best of the Best
Lohamras Cosaqne Prefix
Honk Your Horn
Prince Dante
Very good - open class Excellent 2 - champion class Excellent - champion class Excellent - champion class Excellent - open class
Florida Boy
Fantasy Island
Lohamras Cosaqne Flying Fuchur
Fantasy Island
Prince Dante
Honk Your Horn
Excellent - open class Excellent 4 - open class Excellent - champion class Excellent 4 - champion class Excellent  1 - champion class
v. Martin´s Tal
Hold Your Horses
Bayshore Fernando Undercover Agent
v. Shinbashi
Modrý květ
SV02_PS-175s-1.jpg (12884 bytes) SV02_PO-141hl.jpg (17189 bytes) SV02_PO-136-hla-3.jpg (21714 bytes) Excellent - champion class Excellent - open class
Flying Fuchur
Fantasy Island
Goldenberry Orca Hibacka´s
King Arthur
Reckless Abandon
Zed Pour Top Model
Excellent - open class Excellent - open class Very good - open class Excellent - open class Excellent - open class
Honk Your Horn
Hvězda z Podmok
Newbourne Happy Dancing Cupido Dirty Dancer from House of Angie Elvis Modrý květ
Excellent - open class Very good - open class Exvellent 3 - open class Excellent 3 - champion class Very good - open class
v. Martin´s Tal
Lou Gin from House of Angie Lohamras Dukat Di Gabriellas Otis Florida Boy
Fantasy Island